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Thursday, November 14

10:45am IST

Scaling Smart Contract Security with AI Automation
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:45am - 11:10am IST
Smart contracts have revolutionized the way we execute agreements, enabling trustless transactions and automating processes across various industries. However, their complexity and potential vulnerabilities demand a meticulous approach to security. This talk delves into the vulnerabilities of smart contract security, addressing common pitfalls, best practices, and emerging trends. From code audits to decentralized finance (DeFi) exploits, we'll navigate through real-world examples to equip you with the knowledge needed to safeguard smart contracts effectively and the use of automation and AI to detect vulnerabilities.
1. Understanding Smart Contract Vulnerabilities:
Detailed exploration of common vulnerabilities in smart contracts (e.g., reentrancy, integer overflow/underflow, access control, etc.). Real-world examples of security breaches and their consequences.
2. Best Practices for Smart Contract Security:
Coding standards and practices to minimize vulnerabilities.
The role of formal verification in ensuring smart contract reliability. Importance of continuous education and staying updated with the latest security trends.
3. Code Audits and Their Role:
Importance of manual and automated code audits.
Step-by-step process of conducting a smart contract audit.
Tools and frameworks commonly used in the industry for auditing smart contracts.
4. Automation and AI in Smart Contract Security:
Introduction to automation and AI tools designed for smart contract security.
Demonstration of how automation can streamline the process of vulnerability detection.
Advantages and limitations of using AI in smart contract audits.
5. Real-World Applications and Future Trends:
Discussion on how industries can leverage automation for smart contract security.
Emerging trends and future directions in smart contract security. Predictions on how AI and automation will shape the future of smart contract development and security.
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CEO, CredShields
Thursday November 14, 2024 10:45am - 11:10am IST
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